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Swap a Product within an Existing Subscription

To swap a product within an existing subscription, you can follow the steps below:

  1. On the storefront, log in to the account that has the active subscription.
  2. Select My Subscriptions.
  3. Select Show details under the subscription that contains a product you want to swap with another product.
  4. Select Products in my subscription.
  5. Select Swap product next to the product you want to swap with.
  6. Click Select product next to a product you would like to swap the original product with.
  7. Select OK.

All future orders will generate with the new product after the swap has been completed. You can continue to swap products on each order by following these steps between each recurring order date.

Skip/Resume an Order

To skip an order within the Customer Portal, you can follow the steps below:

  1. From your storefront, select the Account Management Icon
  2. Log in to the account that has the active subscription. 
  3. Select My Subscriptions.
  4. Select Show details under the subscription that you would like to skip a future order for.
  5. Select Manage upcoming orders.
  6. Select Skip shipment beside the upcoming order that you would like to skip.

If a subscription has an order that was skipped that needs to be reversed, you can follow steps 1-6 and select Recover shipment to reverse the change that was made earlier.

Add a Product to an Existing Subscription

To add a product to an existing subscription, you can follow the steps below.

  1. On the storefront, log in to the account that has the active subscription.
  2. Select My Subscriptions.
  3. Within the active subscription overview, select Add Products
  4. Select the desired product.
  5. If applicable, select the size and quantity.
  6. Select Add to this subscription.

Cancel an Existing Subscription

To cancel an existing subscription within the Customer Portal, you can follow the steps below.

  1. From your storefront, log in to the account that has the active subscription.
  2. Select My Subscriptions.
  3. Select Show details under the subscription that needs to be canceled.
  4. Select Cancel Subscription.
  5. Select Confirm.


Still have questions? Let us know and we can help you directly. 




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